The City of Seal Beach Safety Action Plan (SAP) aims to develop a comprehensive strategy to minimize fatalities and severe accidents on local roadways. The plan examines local, state, and federal data, along with peer research, to identify safety solutions for all users, including drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and more. It addresses both user behavior and infrastructure improvements through a collaborative approach with stakeholders. Prepared in compliance with Safe Roads and Streets For All (SS4A) requirements, the plan incorporates a Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) and follows the Safe System Approach. The SAP prioritizes and analyzes safety improvements for intersections, roadway segments, and the High Injury Network, proposing countermeasures to reduce collisions in high-risk areas. SAP
Seal Beach has created a local roadway safety plan (LRSP), which identifies a framework to identify, analyze, and develop traffic safety enhancements on the City’s roadway network. The LRSP was developed in response to local issues and needs. Through the analysis, this report has identified emphasis areas to inform and further guide safety evaluation and planning for the City’s transportation network. The LRSP also analyzes collision data on an aggregate basis as well as at specific locations to identify high-crash locations, high-risk locations, and citywide trends and patterns. The analysis of collision history on the City’s transportation network allows for opportunities to: 1) identify factors in the transportation network that inhibit safety for all roadway users, 2) improve safety at specific high-collision locations, and 3) develop safety measures using the 5E’s of transportation safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Emergency Services, and Emerging Technologies, to encourage safer roadway user behavior and better severity outcomes. LRSP Senior Resources
The City of Seal Beach Senior Transportation Services program provides free transportation services for Seal Beach residents ages 60 and over.
Only registered users can partake in the fixed-route shuttle and Dial-a-Ride service. To register as a new rider, please download the application using the link above, and provide a copy of a photo ID showing proof of Seal Beach residency and date of birth. This identification can be in a form of a CA driver’s license, CA ID Card, or a Golden Rain Foundation ID card if you are a Leisure World resident.
If you have any questions on the application process, would like to confirm whether you are an existing registered user, or have general questions regarding the Senior Transportation Services program, please contact:
· Anthony Nguyen,, (562) 431-2527 x1344
· Iris Lee,, (562) 431-2527 x1322
The City of Seal Beach Senior Shuttle Service is a 16-passenger shuttle equipped with wheelchair access that runs on a fixed route throughout major City stops, including Seal Beach Pier/Old Town area, Leisure World, and Rossmoor Shopping Center/North Seal Beach Community Center. Please refer to the above link for more detail on the route and stops.
· Operating hours are Monday through Friday 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m., 12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
To make a reservation:
1. Call (877) 224-8294 at least 24-hours in advance
2. Provide the operator with your Senior Transportation Program ID (#SBXXXX)
3. Request “ROUNDTRIP” if you need a ride back home
4. Provide the operator with pick-up date and time
5. Provide the operator with pick-up & drop-off location
6. Please note to the operator if you need any special accommodation
IMPORTANT: Same day reservations to/from any location cannot be guaranteed.
Effective November 16, 2020, the Senior Transportation Services operating hours will be Monday through Friday, 7:30a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Effective June 1, 2020, the City of Seal Beach Senior Transportation Services will be provided by California Yellow Cab. This service change was a result of the unexpected closure of the Keolis’ Orange County facility, which was contracted to operate the City’s senior shuttle and dial-a-ride program. The Keolis Orange County facility is scheduled to close on May 31, 2020.
As a result, the Thursday Shopper Shuttle Service and Senior Nutrition Shuttle/Rossmoor/North Seal Beach Community Center will be suspended until further notice; however, the Dial-a-Ride services will be expanded as follows with California Yellow Cab:
The City of Seal Beach maintains accurate and updated traffic counts which can be viewed here.
Guidelines as to when a traffic impact study would be completed were developed to be applied to redevelopment and development projects to better understand the nature of the scope of work, identify traffic impacts, and analyze levels of service. The factors will determine mitigation issues and potential impacts. The Traffic Impact Study Guidelines are available using the link below:
Traffic Impact Study Guidelines
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is a multi-modal transportation agency serving Orange County. Orange County is kept moving with countywide bus and paratransit service; Metrolink rail service; the 91 Express Lanes toll facility; freeway, street, and road improvement projects; Share the Ride commuting options for individuals and employers; motorist aid services; and by regulating taxi operations. Here are the bus schedules for Route 1, Route 42, and Route 60.
OCTA began in 1991 with the consolidation of seven separate transportation agencies. By increasing efficiency and eliminating duplicate functions, county taxpayers save millions of dollars.
An 18-member Board of Directors governs OCTA. The Board consists of five county supervisors, 10 city members, two public members, and the Director of the Department of Transportation District 12 (Caltrans) as a non-voting member.
Long Beach Transit (LBT) Routes 131 and 171, which ceased operations into Seal Beach in August 2012, will again be extended into the City starting June 1, 2014.
Details of the lines' new routes into Seal Beach are being finalized now and will go into effect as part of LBT's June service changes.
Finalized maps, times, and schedules will be available on the Seal Beach website and on Long Beach Transit buses and in May.
Managed by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), the Measure M2 Transportation Investment Plan is a 30-year, $11.8 billion program designed to reduce traffic congestion, strengthen our economy, and improve our quality of life by upgrading key freeways, fixing major freeway interchanges, maintaining streets and roads, synchronizing traffic signals countywide, building a visionary rail-transit system, and protecting our environment from the oily street runoff that pollutes Orange County beaches. The plan is focused solely on improving the transportation system and includes tough taxpayer safeguards, including a Taxpayer Oversight Committee, required annual audits, and regular, public reports on project progress. The Measure M2 Transportation Investment Plan must be reviewed annually, in a public meeting, and every 10 years a detailed review of the plan must take place. If circumstances require the voter-approved plan to be altered, those changes must be taken to the voters for approval.
For more information regarding Measure M2, please visit the
OCTA website CIRCUIT To learn more about our special promo please click here.