Junior Lifeguard Program

Program Information

Since 1985, the Seal Beach Lifeguard Department has been offering a Junior Lifeguard program. The Junior Lifeguard Program is a fun, but physically demanding, hands-on program that provides the participants with knowledge and appreciation for the ocean and its surrounding environment. The program is designed to emphasize the importance of safety, respect, and camaraderie while covering the following topics: Ocean Proofing, Physical Development, Lifeguard Skills, First Aid, and Competition. Junior Lifeguards will participate in many activities including, but not limited to, open water swimming, paddle boarding, body surfing, body boarding, surfing, and beach games.

The 7-week program typically begins in June and ends before the local schools begin in August. Those individuals that participated last year will be offered priority registration. Residents will also receive a discount on tuition. We are looking forward to another exciting year, and hope you find that we offer the best program on the California coast.

Please see the Spring 2025 Shoreline Activities guide for this year's program dates and more information.

Program Schedule

Daily sessions are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Junior Lifeguard Program meets on the sand on the north side of the Seal Beach Pier, directly in front of the 8th Street parking lot. The Program begins daily (promptly) at 9:00 a.m. and ends at noon. Exceptions to normal program hours, for activities such as field trips and any special events, will be announced during session hours with as much advance notice as possible.

Junior Lifeguards Age Groups

The age requirement for Junior Lifeguards is nine to 17 years of age on the first day of the program. Participants will be placed in age groups as follows:
"AA" Group (16-17 years of age)
"A" Group (14-15 years of age)
"B" Group (12-13 years of age)
"C" Group (9-11 years of age)

The above groups are based primarily on age; however, size, strength, ability, and confidence may also be considered.


Junior Lifeguards enrolled in the previous year's program are given priority registration. After the priority registration period, enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Residents are also given a priority registration period after the returning Junior Lifeguard enrollment period. Due to the popularity of the program, enrollment is expected to fill to capacity.

ALL participants must pass a swim test prior to registering in the Program. If your child does not attend or pass the swim test you will not be able to register him/her in the Program.

Participants are considered enrolled in the Program when they have the passed the swim test and are registered in the Program.

If Program enrollment fills to capacity and your child has successfully passed the swim test, parents will have the option of registering their child and being placed on the waiting list. You will be notified within the first week of the Program if space is available.

Step One

Determine if your child is swim-test ready. If s/he needs additional prep or conditioning to pass the test, go to Step Two. If your child is swim-test ready, please come to one of the appropriate options shown below.

ALL Junior Lifeguards, new and returning, must pass a 100-yard swim test or they will not be eligible for registration.

The 100-yard swim must be completed within:

  • 1:55 for "C" group
  • 1:45 for "B" group
  • 1:35 for "A/AA" group

All swim tests will be held at McGaugh Elementary School - 1698 Bolsa Avenue (corner of Bolsa Ave. and Seal Beach Blvd.). All swim tests must be conducted by Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard Program staff. Any times not verified by Program staff will not be considered.

If your child is a returning participant and does not attend one of these test dates and is not enrolled in a prep or conditioning class, s/he must attend one of the New Junior Lifeguard test dates and s/he will no longer be eligible for priority registration.

NEW (Residents and Non-Residents) Participants: Passing the swim test does not guarantee your child a spot in the program. Once your child passes the swim test you may register him/her online or at City Hall. Registration is on a first come, first served basis. A wait list will be established after the program has reached capacity. Continue to Step Three for registration details.

Swim test dates and times for all Junior Lifeguards can be found in the City News and Recreational Guide.

Step Two

If you have decided that your child should be enrolled in a prep or conditioning class read on for more information! Please note that completion of any of the following classes does not guarantee your child a spot in the Junior Lifeguard Program.

Junior Lifeguard Prep Class

This class is designed to get your child ready for the Junior Lifeguard Swim Test. Instructors will work with your child to develop proper stroke technique and endurance; however, some previous swimming experience is recommended. Participants will take a swim test at the last class and it counts towards the Junior Guard Swim Test. There are only 36 spots available - so sign up early!

Dates & Times

Session 1
Class meets Monday through Friday
5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. at McGaugh Elementary School (1698 Bolsa Avenue)
Please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for session start dates.

Session 2
Class meets Monday through Friday
5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. at McGaugh Elementary School (1698 Bolsa Avenue)
Please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for session start dates.


$150 per child


Registration for the Junior Lifeguard Prep Class can be done online using the button below or in person at the Seal Beach Recreation Department office located in City Hall at 211 8th Street. Call (562) 431-2527 x1344 for registration information.

Junior Lifeguard Conditioning Class

This class is designed for the returning Junior Lifeguard who wants some extra help to prepare for the Swim Test and the summer. Prior enrollment in the Junior Lifeguard Program is required to participate in this class. Instructors will work with your child to fine-tune stroke technique and improve endurance. Participants will take a swim test at the last class and it counts towards the Junior Guard Swim Test. There are only 36 spots available - so sign up early!

Dates & Times

Session 1
Class meets Monday through Friday
6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at McGaugh Elementary School (1698 Bolsa Avenue)
Please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for session start dates.

Session 2
Class meets Monday through Friday
6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at McGaugh Elementary School (1698 Bolsa Avenue)
Please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for session start dates.


$150 per child


Registration for the Junior Lifeguard Conditioning Class can be done online using the button below or in person at the Seal Beach Recreation Department office located in City Hall at 211 8th Street. Call (562) 431-2527 x1344 for registration information.

Step Three

Register for the Junior Lifeguard Program

The City of Seal Beach uses an online registration program called RecTrac. Participants in all Seal Beach recreation programs, including the Junior Lifeguard program, must sign up using the online system. You can register using the appropriate "Register Now" button below or through RecTrac at register.sealbeachca.gov. Registration can also be done in person at the Seal Beach Community Services/Recreation Department office located in City Hall at 211 8th Street. Call (562) 431-2527 x1344 for registration information.

Returning Junior Lifeguards

To be eligible to enroll as a Returning Junior Lifeguard, participants must have been enrolled in the Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard Program during the previous summer. Once your child has passed the swim test s/he will receive a registration code that only s/he will be able to use to register.

Online registration dates for returning Junior Lifeguards can be found in the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide.
If you do not enroll during this time period you will be required to enroll as a new Junior Lifeguard. Space is limited.

NEW (RESIDENTS, ZIP CODE 90740 & 90743) Junior Lifeguards

Once your child has passed the swim test s/he will receive a registration code that only s/he will be able to use to register.

New Junior Lifeguard (Residents) please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for enrollment dates and times. Space is limited.

NEW (NON-RESIDENTS) Junior Lifeguards

Once your child has passed the swim test s/he will receive a registration code that only s/he will be able to use to register.

New Junior Lifeguard (Residents) please see the Spring Shoreline Recreational Guide for enrollment dates and times. Space is limited, 300 available spots.

For questions or additional information, please call Lifeguard Headquarters at (562) 431- 2527 x1206 or email juniorlifeguard@sealbeachca.gov.


Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard participants are required to wear a uniform for team camaraderie and safety. The uniforms allow the instructors to safely monitor the children and distinguish them from other beach patrons. Junior Guards must wear the required uniform in order to participate.

All Junior Lifeguards must wear the current year Junior Lifeguard t-shirt and navy shorts. Girls must wear a navy "Speedo" type swimsuit; it may be one or two piece. It is highly recommended for boys to wear a competition style swim suit or "jammers" under their shorts. Competitive Aquatic Supply in Huntington Beach sells boy's and girl's navy suits with the Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard logo at a discounted rate for Junior Lifeguard participants.


Scholarship applications are due on the Friday prior to the open registration date for returning Junior Guards.

Each year there are a limited number of full and/or half scholarships available. The scholarships are made possible by proceeds from the Seal Beach 10K Run.

Scholarships are awarded on a needs basis. Anyone interested in applying for a scholarship must complete an application form. Application forms are available by clicking here. Completed forms can be returned to Lifeguard Headquarters or mailed to:
Seal Beach Junior Lifeguard Program
211 8th Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740

All information provided will be kept confidential.