
The Finance Department, in conjunction with all City Departments, is responsible for producing the City’s annual budget, which includes the operating budget and capital improvement program budget. The annual budget is the financial "blueprint" used to guide what will be done during the fiscal year. The Finance Department is also responsible for regular review of revenues and expenditures to budget estimates and conducting financial forecasting.

Email: budget@sealbeachca.gov
Phone: (562) 431-2527 x 1311

Key Dates in the Budget Development Timeline:

December – Budget Kickoff
December/January – Finance develops salary and benefit estimates
January-February – Departments develop operating requests and capital project requests
March – Finance meets with Departments to understand requests
April – City Manager and Finance Department balance the budget and make recommendations on Capital Improvement Program projects
May – Budget Workshops are held with City Council to Study the proposed budget
May – Town Hall is held to provide community with the ability to study the proposed budget and provide feedback
June – Budget is Adopted by City Council

Budget Planning


FY 2024/25
FY 2023/24
FY 2022/23
FY 2021/22
FY 2020/21
FY 2019/20
FY 2018/19
FY 2017/18
FY 2016/17
FY 2015/16
FY 2014/15
FY 2013/14
FY 2012/13
FY 2011/12
FY 2009/10 - 2010/11
FY 2007/08 - 2008/09
FY 2006/07

Successor Agency to the Seal Beach Redevelopment Agency Budget

FY 2012/13