Reasonable Accomodation

In accordance with federal and state fair housing laws, reasonable accommodation is the request to allow for accommodations in the City’s zoning and land use regulations, policies, and practices when needed to provide an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling unit.


Request for a reasonable accommodation may be made by any person with a disability, their representative, or a developer or provider of housing for individuals with a disability. Please email to obtain a copy of the reasonable accommodation instructions and application. Alternatively, you can visit the Community Development/Planning Department to obtain a hard copy of the instructions and application.


  1. Documentation of the disability
  2. Desired exceptions to the Zoning Code
  3. Documentation that the exception requested is necessary to provide an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the residence
  4. Any other information reasonably necessary to make findings to grant the reasonable accommodation


  1. An application for a Reasonable Accommodation shall be made by a property owner or his/her authorized agent. An application shall be properly filled-out with the notarized signature of the property owner of record as of the date the application is submitted.
  2. Within 30 days of receipt, staff will make the determination whether the application is deemed complete.
    1. If incomplete, the applicant will be notified and advised of the requirements for re-submittal.
    2. If complete, the Community Development Director will issue a written determination to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a request for reasonable accommodation. The Director's decision is subject to appeal to the Planning Commission through a public hearing process.