The Building & Safety division of the Department of Community Development is responsible for the administration of State and local building code regulations, ensuring the health and welfare of the residents of Seal Beach by regulating the construction and occupancy of buildings. It continues a tradition that can be traced through recorded history in which people have become increasingly aware of their ability to avoid the catastrophic consequences of building construction failure. Today's codes are possible because of the efforts and the collaboration of building officials and key segments of the construction industry. Compliance with building standards are met through plan review, permit issuance, and on-site inspection.
The City of Seal Beach Building Division offers convenient electronic submittals for building permit applications and plans. To find detailed instructions on how to submit an application online for a building permit, click here.
Inspections ensure that the work conforms to the permit, local codes, and the submitted plans. If you have an account in our new Civic Access Portal, please request your inspection through the portal. If you have a legacy project initiated before the portal, please use the button below to request an inspection. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE PORTAL, WHILE PHONE CALLS ARE AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL INQUIRIES, THE PORTAL IS THE REQUIRED METHOD FOR SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE PORTAL TO REQUEST AN INSPECTION Inspection requests are responded to at the end of the day, and typically executed within two business days. To find out for what day/time your inspection has been scheduled, please click here.
Code Enforcement is the prevention, detection, investigation, and enforcement of violations of statutes or ordinances that regulate public health/safety/welfare, public works, business activities, consumer protection, building standards, land-use, or municipal affairs. For more information or questions about code enforcement, please contact: Neighborhood Services Officer, Joshua Hernandez Email: Phone: (562) 431-2527 x1342
Code Enforcement Multiple Unit Inspection Policy Resolution 7594
International Code Council (ICC) Board of Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors California Architects Board Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Stormwater Program Orange County Sanitation District